Daniel – Living in a Beastly Empire

Sundays Series June 19 – July 31
The Book of Daniel inspires us with the stories of Daniel and his friends as they unswervingly maintain integrity and faith in their god, the God of Israel, even when facing threats of certain death as they serve in the royal palace of Babylonian Empire. These stories also reveal their God as very much involved in people’s lives, sovereign over all things and able to work his will through what sometimes seems like random and chaotic events, even bringing the very one who oppressed Israel and smashed God’s temple to his knees in worship.
Daniel’s visions also awaken us to the ongoing challenges God’s faithful face as empires continue to rise and fall on the world’s stage. Through these prophetic visions we begin to see the hope of God’s ultimate victory even when we feel like we are merely pawns exiled from home and swept around by the powers that be.