Come Near to God Meditation – All Ages

Have paper hanging on wall and textas, crayons beneath. Bowls of water on tables. Play itunes track ‘Vergence’ throughout.

Begin this time in quiet, relax your body, breath deeply and still your mind with this promise from our passage today:
Come near to God and he will come near to you. (show verse on slide)

The children may like to think about this promise, that if we come near to God, he will come near to us and quietly draw pictures about this on the papers hanging on the wall.
In our reading today (James 4:1-17) we will hear that or The Bible tells us that God jealously longs for his spirit to dwell in us.
Holy Spirit we would love for you to dwell in us.
If there is anything that is taking up your space in us this morning, if there are ideas, motives, things on our heart that are pushing you out may you gently bring that to our awareness. (Repeat after some time)
I invite you to dip your hands in the bowls of water as you wash your hands and hearts of things that have been brought to your mind.
Thankyou for your mercy, God, wash us clean and fill us anew Holy Spirit.
James 4:10 says:
Humble yourselves before God and he will lift you up.