Author: ehillschurch_oz05iv

  • Walk the Wall 2016

    Walk the Wall for International China Concern Walk the Wall is a global movement to overcome abandonment in China. The annual walk-a-thon gives participants from around the world the ability to sign up, obtain sponsors and walk to raise money for the many children in China who are abandoned due to disability. For more info:…

  • Father's Day Dinner Service – Sept 4

    Come together as family. Give thanks for the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and friends who have been a blessing in our lives. Bless the guys in our community. Celebrate the great love, strength and faithfulness of God. Relax or heat food at 4:45pm Dinner & Service 5 – 6:30pm 17-19 Surrey Rd West, Croydon Please…

  • 'Taste and See' Meditation

    This meditation leads well into the communion meal. Set up: Platters of fruit, paper plates and markers for the kids. Our senses are such a gift to us. The way we experience the world and our creator God. A big part of worship for our ancestors was offering food to God, the best of what…

  • The People of the Sun Theatre Show

    You have heard him preach and poet and now Joel McKerrow has his first ever theatre show coming up that we thought we would let you guys know about… The People of the Sun 20-22nd Sept- 8pm – $20/15. 75 Reid Street, Fitzroy North. Tickets available from

  • Sundays in August

    Eastern Hills welcomes everyone. Please feel free to join us at 10:15am for a Fairtrade cuppa before the service begins at 10:30am. CCC 17-19 Surrey Road West, Croydon. On the first Sunday of the month our service is over a potluck dinner from 4:45-6:30pm. Over Sundays in August we will explore some great reflections on…

  • A Few Opening Meditations

    A Sunday Prayer Now is surely the moment! the time – on this first day of a new week – to worship. And as we come to be together to worship our God – let’s not miss this moment! pass it by – sit waiting for the next thing to happen – Let’s worship! Let’s…

  • NAIDOC Dinner Service 2016 – Songlines

    For those of us who were unable to be with us, here are some moments from our dinner service last night as requested. Welcome and Introduction Theme for NAIDOC week 2016: Songlines In traditional Aboriginal society Songlines cris-crossed the whole Australian landscape linking important sites and locations. Songlines are intricate maps of land, sea and…

  • Sundays in July

    Stories Jesus Told July 10-31 Over Sundays in July we will explore again some parables of Jesus. We look forward to sharing in these times of reflection and celebration with you as Toli Morgan and Joel McKerrow unpack these treasures. Kids church will also be exploring the parables this season. 10:15am fairtrade cuppa & coffee 10:30am service…

  • NAIDOC week Dinner Service – July 3

    Songlines. Come together as family. Celebrate the tradition of our first peoples in singing out the routes to take and blessing the earth as we go. Our Aboriginal brothers and sisters in Beswick N.T send us a message on this special day. Relax or heat food at 4:45pm Dinner & Service 5 – 6:30pm 17-19…

  • "Saints" Dinner Service – June 5

    Come together as family. Raise a glass to the saints in our lives. Celebrate the journey. Blessings and farewell to Megan Woods as she takes a study trip to the U.S. Relax or heat food at 4:45pm Dinner & Service 5 – 6:30pm 17-19 Surrey Rd West, Croydon Please bring your favourite savoury dish to…