Author: morgans

  • Intercessory Meditation

    A prayer from our service this week celebrating the life of Rees Howells. Adapted for personal meditation. You may like to have a candle ready to light in your meditation space at home. Into your presence I come, Lord.  A few moments of quietness, closeness in a busy world. Such sanctuary.  I come to honour,…

  • Yahweh Breath Prayer

    A meditation from our Moses series… nice for mornings.

  • Inspiring Saints 2010

    A saint is someone through whom we catch a glimpse of what God is like and of what we are called to be. In this series, we tell the story of a few of these folks from our rich heritage of faith. We celebrate their lives together and we learn from them..

  • This is my Story, this is my Song..

    “Glory to God” “Holy Holy” “In the Light of Your Salvation..” These are beautiful words with great depth of meaning that we often use in our worship and praise of our Lord. But do we really appreciate their meaning?

  • The story of Moses – Bonded to his People, Faithful to his God

    Be inspired and challenged afresh by these age-old stories of the first and greatest prophet before our Lord Jesus came to dwell with us.

  • Happy Pentecost!

    Our Pentecost Meditation Track from Itunes ‘Due Tramonti’ played throughout. Relax your body, close your eyes and hold out your hands with palms facing upwards: Spirit of life Before You and all the heavenly witnesses, We offer ourselves, mind, soul and body to You. Fill our emptiness with your fullness Place your hand over your…

  • eh events this season

    Hang with us this season. Click here for great dates for your diary. Check out our Youth Nights too!

  • Ten everyday household objects for toddler play

    Try these simple activities for the first time or revisit an old faithful that is sure to delight and entertain. Tried and tested many times on my little girls! Basket – Go for a walk to ‘find treasures’ for your basket.  Treasures may include interesting leaves, feathers, rocks, flowers and other such things.  Enjoy the…

  • Meditations on the Emblems of the Holy Spirit

    This season we will be looking at the biblical emblems (or symbols) of the Holy Spirit. Each emblem beautifully expresses something of the Holy Spirit’s personality and healing ministry.

  • Make an Easter Tree – Lent Week 7

    Decorate your easter tree with leaves. Paper leaves work well with the following activity: Explanation: Last Sunday we celebrated Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday Christians celebrate the special entry Jesus made into Jerusalem on the back of a colt the week before his death and resurrection. The Bible tells us that when Jesus entered Jerusalem,…