Sundays 10:15am August 7 – Sept 4. This is a rich season when we celebrate the lives and stories of men and women of faith from different times and walks of life. We share in their stories not because they are set apart from us but because we are family. We share in this same…
I invite you to take a few deep breaths and relax your body. Play Itunes track ‘ Morning: Good’ by Paul Motian & Anat Fort. Isaiah 2:3 says, Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will…
The Book of Daniel inspires us with the stories of Daniel and his friends as they unswervingly maintain integrity and faith in their god, the God of Israel, even when facing threats of certain death as they serve in the royal palace of Babylonian Empire. These stories also reveal God as very much involved in…
On the day when you are wearing your certainty like a cloak and your sureness goes before you like a shield or like a sword, may the sound of God’s name spill from your lips as you have never heard it before. May your knowing be undone. May mystery confound your understanding. May the Divine…
We shared this prayer in our Baptism Celebration this week.. Opening Meditation ‘ Prayer for the Walk’ Play Itunes ‘ Down to the River to Pray’ by Wanda Vick or ‘A New Life’ by Klaus Badelt I invite you to place your feet firmly on the ground. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Notice your…
Preparation: Have 5 cups on each table – one with lit tea candle, one with half a vanilla pod, one with instant coffee grains, one with salty water, one with fruit eg. grapes. Play itunes track ‘Lost Time’ (2009) by Tony Woollard Cup of light – Lit tea candle in cup Let us Come into…
Some moments from our service this week.. Rain Meditation It has been very wet, we have often fallen asleep listening to the rain this week. Water has an amazing voice, in the bible someone describes God’s voice as the sound of rushing waters. Spend some time relaxing your body, close your eyes and just…
For details on all diary dates this term please open
Sundays in May The Holy Spirit is at work in us! He is inviting us to join a life, which is way larger than we are and built to last. But despite our best efforts to accept his invitation, why do we often find we are back where we started, unsure of ourselves and disappointed…