A Right of Passage Blessing for Grade Six Graduates
In our annual ‘Blessing of the Kids’ celebration we have incorporated a special moment to bless the grade six kids as they move to a new stage in their lives. This idea involves giving strawberry plants as a gift and inviting the grade sixers to hand out the communion meal. Grade six Graduates Right of…
Membership Liturgy
Here is our new liturgy that we have borrowed and adapted to use at Eastern Hills. We enjoyed our first ‘Welcome to membership’ lunch on Sunday. Image from http://cdn.weddingbells.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/diywedding-confetti-free.jpg Before this liturgy is shared each new member shares briefly their story on why they are becoming a member. Membership Liturgy We now welcome you who wish…
Blessings of Peace and Welcome for your Doorway
In a time where violence, fighting, stress and loneliness enters our homes in so many ways, we want to pray peace, protection and welcome on the places we live. When Jesus sent his friends into towns and villages to stay in peoples homes and do his good work, he told them to always bless the…
Prayer for the Walk
We shared this prayer in our Baptism Celebration this week.. Opening Meditation ‘ Prayer for the Walk’ Play Itunes ‘ Down to the River to Pray’ by Wanda Vick or ‘A New Life’ by Klaus Badelt I invite you to place your feet firmly on the ground. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Notice your…