Worship at Home – Two activities for all ages
Fire and stone Materials: Candle and rock Let’s reflect on the picture in 1 Peter of living stones. As you come to him, the living Stone – rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house. for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with…
Greening of the Cross Liturgy
Set up: Movie clip, slideshow, cross structure or drawn on ground with chalk or rocks, greenery or flowers near by. Play clip of Easter Resurrection appearances.’ Until 4min 43 sec. Greening of the Cross Jesus, the first of the sleepers has risen. Power is His to wake us all from darkness. To bring life into every…
Palm Sunday Resources
Photograph by Matthew Wiebe Intro to Palm Sunday Today we remember the special journey Jesus took into Jerusalem the week before he was killed. Like a king Jesus rode into the city and Jesus’ followers started getting excited, they thought he was going to make himself King and the crowd got bigger and bigger, shouting,…